100 years of experience in healing trauma injuries and orthopedic diseases!

Full range of services! High-qualified staff. Modern equipment. Own hospital premises.



Magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), ultrasound examination (US), digital radiography (DR), electroneuromyography (ENMG), laboratory studies etc.


Advisory clinic

Traumatology and orthopedics of adults, joint diseases of adults, traumatology and orthopedics for children, spine surgery, joint diseases in children and adolescents, bone purulent surgery etc.


Surgical hospital

Patients will be treated by the best professionals of Ukraine: doctors and candidates of medical sciences, professors and other medical experts, each with many years of practical clinic experience



Conservative treatment of orthopedic diseases and full range of means for physical rehabilitation after surgical treatment of pathologies

Why we are the best

  • Our doctors base on deep scientific approach to diagnostics and treatment in the sphere of traumatology and orthopedics. Here in the institute, there are experts of high international level and holders of international certificates and grants. Many our doctors passed trainings in clinics of Europe, Israel, and the USA.
  • We use high-quality contemporary equipment and modern methods of treatment.
  • Our doctors are constantly developing; to upgrade their scientific degrees,they do and represent scientific works devoted to certain types of diagnostics and treatment.
  • Initially, we meet a patient who has a problem. We consult and examine the patient, study the case, operate, rehabilitate and let our patient go after complete cycle of treatment, waiting for the next meeting appointed for control observation.
  • Our experts are able to cope with the most complicated cases, unmanageable for other medical institutions.
  • We are actively engaged into treatment of patients from ATO area with severe gunfire wounds.
  • Staff members of our institute participate actively in international societies of orthopedists and traumatologists (SICOT/FESCH etc.)
  • Among our patients there are not only Ukrainians, but also people from other countries.

Our services

The Institute is a medical institution specialized on diseases of locomotion system. The clinics perform surgical treatment of hip joints dysplasia, herniated disks, osteochondrosis, joint replacement, osteosynthesis etc.

Our services

Advantages of the Institute

The Institute works since 1919

  • +over 650 staff members
  • +132 scientists
  • +28 doctors of med. science
  • +32 candidate of med.sciences
  • +9 professors

Open hours

Monday - Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Doctors 09:00 - 16:00
Diagnostics 09:00 - 16:00

Doctors of the Institute


The influence of regenerative technologies on recovery processes in leg after traumatic ischemia

The influence of regenerative technologies on recovery processes in leg after traumatic ischemia

Administration of platelet-rich plasma or concentrated bone marrow aspirate after mechanically induced ischemia improves biochemical parameters in skeletal muscle

Administration of platelet-rich plasma or concentrated bone marrow aspirate after mechanically induced ischemia improves biochemical parameters in skeletal muscle

Peripheral nerve lesions after a mechanically induced limb ischemia

Peripheral nerve lesions after a mechanically induced limb ischemia
