Leskov Volodymyr Grygorovych

- Candidate of Medical Sciences
- orthopedic and traumatologist of the highest category
- diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with traumas, their consequences and diseases of locomotion system
- work experience - over 25 years
orthopedic and traumatologist
Department for Microsurgery and Reconstructive-Recovery Surgery of Upper Limb
After graduation in the year 1982 from O.O. Bogomolets National Medical Institute of Kyiv, his works has been connected with the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the NAMS of Ukraine. Leskov V.G. worked at the clinic of microsurgery, reconstructive and recovery surgery of upper limb of the Institute, first as a doctor. In April 1984 he won a competition for a position of a junior scientific researcher. From September 1986 to January 1991 he held the position of doctor, orthopedist-traumatologist. In October 1995 he won a competition and got a position of ordinary scientific researcher. In 1999 he represented his Ph.D. research “Diagnostic and Treatment of Foot Ischemic Contracture”. In July 2002 he passed a competition for a position of a senior scientific researcher. In August 2010 – appointed to a position of doctor, orthopedist-traumatologist in clinic of microsurgery, reconstructive and recovery surgery of upper limb. Leskov Volodymyr Grygorovych is a highly qualified orthopedist-traumatologist of highest category. He masters wide range of modern methods for diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with traumas, their consequences and diseases of locomotion system. Volodymyr Grygorovych performs annually up to 100 complex surgical interventions, besides trains young surgeons.
Leskov V.G. is an author of over 30 scientific publications, inter alia – one monograph, 2 methodic recommendations, has one author’s certificate.
Since 1991 Volodymyr Grygorovych works as a doctor of combined team of Ukraine in kickboxing. He used to be a chief physician of European and world cups in kickboxing. He provides consultations and treatment to professional athletes in combat sports, gymnastics and other kinds of sports. He practices diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with disorders of locomotion system in professional musicians.
Social activities possess certain place in a life of Leskov V.G. He is a member of specialized scientific council in presentation of dissertations in the SI ITO NAMSU. He participates actively in creation of museum of the history of the Institute.
Volodymyr Grygorovych is single-hearted to his beloved activity. He is held in esteem and has high authority in staff members of the Institute.