Gryrtsay Mykola Pavlovych

He is the author of over 300 pieces of scientific research, including 7 monographs and manuals dedicated to studying, clinical progress, methods and plastic materials to combat bone infections depending on the pathological processes' genesis, localization, patients' age and comorbid conditions.


  • Consequences of traumas to extremities (deformities, shortenings).
  • Reconstructive and recovery orthopaedic surgeries after infectious complications, including metal osteosynthesis (superficial, intramedullary, endosteal).
  • Treatment of limbs’ osteomyelitis with a managed endosteal osteosynthesis by Ilizarov.
  • Treatment of pseudoarthroses, fracture nonunions (with or without skin defects), with or without infectious complications.
  • Treatment of hematogenic osteomyelitis in different locations, including atypic forms in adults and children Brodie abscess, Garre's sclerosing osteomyelitis, tumour-like osteomyelitis).
  • Free and non-free bone plastics in the treatment of musculoskeletal system’s chronic osteomyelitis in adults and children.