Reovasography is the method of study, reflecting condition of general regional blood flow in studied organ, based on registration of fluctuation of resistance in a live tissue of a body to high frequency current, registration of pulse fluctuations of vessels. Reovasography is applied to control the efficiency of treatment as well as for diagnostics.

Open hours:

  • CT/MRI: 09:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.
  • X-Ray: 09:00 a.m. - 03:00 p.m.
  • Other departments: 09:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.
  • On holidays – upon agreement.


  • 27 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Street,
    Kyiv 01601 Ukraine
  • 7 Chekhivsky Lane,
    Kyiv 01601 Ukraine.

Reovasography is the method of study, reflecting condition of general regional blood flow in studied organ, based on registration of fluctuation of resistance in a live tissue of a body to high frequency current, registration of pulse fluctuations of vessels. Reovasography is applied to control the efficiency of treatment as well as for diagnostics.

Possibility of the method

Evaluation and defining characterists of:

  • Arterial blood content;
  • Condition of arterial vessel tonus;
  • Venous blood flow.

Diseases, in which the method is recommended:

  • Varicose disease;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Chronic venous insufficiency;
  • Diabetic angiopathy;
  • Obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis;
  • Reino’s syndrome;
  • Peripheral vegetative insufficiency.

Analysis of rheogramm

  1. Analysis, based on interpretation of the external form of rheographic wave, is called visual analysis.
  2. Analysis, involving special digital calculations.

Visual analysis

1. While virtual analysis wave terminators should be defined: beginning, top and end. The area of curve from the beginning to the top thereof is called increasing part of anacrota, the same from the top and to the end is called decreasing, or catacrota. Healthy persons have acute or slightly curved top, increasing area has sharper rise, and the decreasing – more inclined. One, less frequently two additional waves could be observed in decreasing area, and the respective incinsures.

In case of vessel pathology, form of rheography wave in all parts thereof has reasonable changes, there are changes in configuration and the inclination angle of the increasing and (or) decreasing parts, shape and location of the top.

E.g.: if tonus of vessel’s wall is increased, additional wave in the decreasing part dislocates to the top, and vividness of incinsure lowers. In case of reduced tonus is picture is vice versa – the sharp increase in vividness of additional wave and displacement thereof to isoline are observed.

Digital analysis

Digital analysis clarifies the character of visually observed changes and gives the possibility to define a range of other peculiarities of vessel’s conditions.

  1. Rheographic index (RI) indicates the relative value of pulse blood filling. There is direct relation between the level of pulse blood filling and amplitudes of rheowave. This value depends on heart rate, stroke volume, arterial tonus and tonus of walls of the vessels.
  2. Time of increasing part of rheographywave reflects the period of full opening of a vessel and provides clear information about conditions of vessel’s wall. It is defined from the beginning of a wave and to the actual top.
  3. Time of increasing part of rheographic wave is divided into two parts: time of fast blood filling, the factor depending on heart activity, and time of slow blood filling, depending mostly on precise characteristics of vessel’s wall. Normally these two values are approximately equal. In case on increased tonus and decreased elasticity of wall, the change of this interrelation is defined towards the rise of period of slow blood filling.
  4. The ratio of the period of the increasing part of wave to the duration of the whole wave provides additional information regards the tonus of the vessel’s wall.
  5. Dicrotic index (DCI) is relation of the values of rheographic wave’s amplitude on the incisure level to the maximum amplitude reflects mostly the tonus of arterioles.
  6. Diastolic index (DI) is the relation of the value of the amplitude on the level of dicrotic cog (additional wave) to the maximum amplitude of the rheographic wave, and reflects mostly the condition of blood outflow from arteries to veins and tonus of the veins.
  7. Asymmetry index (AI).

Diseases in which rheovasography is recommended

Painful lumbosacral syndrome

Reovasography reveals disorders of blood supply and tonus of blood vessels, namely stipulated by vegetative disorders in reflectors’ syndromes of vertebrogenous origin.

Rheino syndrome

Vasospastic reactions are observed (main pathologic changes occur from the side of small diameter blood vessels).