Chief: YURYK Olga Efremivna, dr

Laboratory of neuro-orthopedics and problems of pain
27 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Street Kyiv 01601 Ukraine 3th floor
Working Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00 - 16:00

YURYK Olga Efremivna, dr

Chief — YURYK Olga Efremivna, dr

The laboratory was established in 1990 and is unique for Ukraine, with its scientific-treatment structure of such direction. Its staff includes 3 research assistants, 2 doctors, 2 engineers, nurses and laboratory assistants.

Scientific work of the laboratory is focused on the system scientific practical researches, aimed at resolving theoretical essence of pain as it is, clarification and extension studies of development mechanisms of many types of nosological of chronic pain in locomotion system disorders; diagnostic monitoring of neurologic disorders in patients with pathologies of movement and basing system; development and improvement of acute and chronic pain syndromes treatment; development of methods for prevention pain syndromes development and vegetative-trophic disorders in people with orthopedic-traumatology pathology; development of new conservative treatment methods for neurologic complications in children with locomotion system disorders.

The laboratory was established

Staff members of the laboratory implement widely into scientific research work the methods of IR imaging diagnostics of neuro-orthopedic disorders, electroencephalography, neuro-immunology diagnostic tests, MRI spectroscopy and tomography; different methods for vegetative status diagnostics.

Practice of the laboratory comprises of consultative aid to specialized patients of the institute; diagnostic monitoring of patients with motion and basing disorders, pain syndrome and vegetative-trophic disorders in acute and chronic periods; they supervise patients registered by clinics of the Institute relating to different pain syndromes and neuro-tropic disorders, leading to transformation of pathology to chronic one and invalidity of patients; improve the methods of treatment for different palm syndromes and neuro-trophic disorders in patients with locomotion system pathologies; develop methods for preventing pain syndrome and vegetative-trophic disorders development in orthopedic-traumatology patients. For treatment different methods of reflex therapy and homeopathy are also applied.

Doctors of this Clinic