Haiko Oksana Georgiivna
- Deputy Director of organizational and administrational affairs, Dr hab.med. Senior Scientific Fellow of the Highest Attesting Committee of Ukraine, Chief of the Department for Functional Diagnostics, chief of the Osteoporosis Center of Ukraine” at SI “ITO NAMSU” Doctor orthopedist-traumatologist of highest category.
- Work experience as a doctor traumatologist-orthopedist – 29 years
Author of over 150 scientific works, 4 patents for invention. Priority directions of her scientific research is electro neuromiographic study of denervation and ischemic changes in muscles, tenotomy syndrome in patients with consequences of traumas of extremities; study of neuro-muscle system in patients with orthopedic signs of progressing muscle dystrophy and hereditary polyneuropathies.
Work experience
After graduation from Kyiv medical institute, she used to work as doctor traumatologist-orthopedist in the department of joint pathology in children,
since 1999 — research associate in clinic for microsurgery and reconstructive surgery of upper limb,
since 2006 — Chief of the department for functional diagnostics of the Institute of Traumatology and Osteosynthesis by NAMSU.
In 2009 she received the category in profession “Orthopedics and Traumatology”, in 2011 – scientific grade of senior research associate (Higher Attesting Committee of Ukraine).
In 1998 she passed post-graduate cycle of trainings “Electroneuromyography” at the Acad.A.P.Romadanov Institute of Neurosurgery by AMS of Ukraine and in Germany (Wurzburg), in year 2005 – in Poland (Warsaw).
In year 2004 she represented dissertation for scientific degree of Ph.doc.med, topic: “Condition of Bone Tissue in Children and Adolescents with Congenital Diseases of Locomotion System”, and in 2013 – dissertation for scientific grade of Dr hab.med., topic – “Structural and Functional Disorders in Muscles of Patients with Injuries of Limbs (diagnostics, monitoring and prognostication of disease progression)”.
Basic direction of diagnostic and treatment work during 18 years (specialization):
- diagnostics and treatment of traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves;
- diagnostic and treatment of tunnel syndromes;
- electromyography study of nerve-muscle pathologies (polyneuropathy, myopathy).
Passed trainings in clinics of Germany, Poland, Czech.