In 2021, SI «The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMS of Ukraine» has been included into the list of institutions implementing the new mechanism of financing the Tertiary (highly specialized) medical aid

Changes in the Financing of the Highly specialized Medical Aid: information for the patients

The list of highly specialized medical services of the SI «The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMS of Ukraine» and the scope of state budget financing

The list of fee-based medical services of the SI «ITO NAMSU»

1. General information and legal environment

In 2021, SI «The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMS of Ukraine» has been included into the list of institutions implementing the new mechanism of the tertiary (highly specialized) medical aid financing.

This mechanism is governed with the following regulatory documents:

- The Provision by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 181 of March 03, 2021 “Some Matters of Implementation and Application of the New Mechanism for Financing the Tertiary (highly specialized) Medical Aid Provided at Individual Research and Development Institutions by the National Academy of Medical Sciences”.

Text of the Provision is available by the reference:

- The Order by the Healthcare Ministry of Ukraine No. 936/35 of 14.04.2021 “On Approval of an Approximate Agreement for Medical Services Delivery to the People of Ukraine between the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and a State Institution Implementing and Applying the New Mechanism of Financing the Tertiary (Highly specialized) Medical Services at Individual Research Institutions by the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”.

Text of the Provision is available by the reference:

Thanks to the implementation of the new financing mechanism, the patients will be able to get highly specialized medical aid at the hospital of the Institute at the account of the state budget.

2. What is new in the financing mechanism?

The funds shall be allotted as the payment for the services of the tertiary (highly specialized) medical aid under agreements for medical services to the people of Ukraine, concluded with the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Finances started the change in the financing mechanism as a pilot project in 2017, to enhance the efficiency of top-specialized medical aid delivery in Ukraine at the account of the state budget. According to the Provision by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 03, No.181, SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics” has been included among others in the list of institutions for the implementation of the new mechanism for the tertiary medical aid financing. It stipulates the transfer from the traditional costing funding of the NAMS institutions to the state payment for specific medical services.

The implementation of the new financing mechanism enables the delivery of the state-guaranteed medical aid to children and adults with severe disorders and traumas of musculoskeletal system and extended procurement of drugs and spare materials at the account of the state budget. This type of financing is the domestic medicine’s real step towards the European medical standards.

3. The procedure to get the highly specialized (tertiary) medical aid at the SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMS of Ukraine”.

To get the highly specialized medical aid at the account of the state budget funds (as stipulated by state budget expenses) within the limits of the new financing mechanism, a patient needs a referral from an institution by the Healthcare Ministry of Ukraine (district of city hospital, research institutions of the HCM NAMSU, industry-sponsored medical institution, ect.) for the hospitalization at the SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMSU”.

Having the said referral, the patient shall visit the polyclinic of the SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMSU”.

A planned hospitalization within the limits of the pilot project stipulates the patient to submit the following documents:

  • a passport of the citizen of Ukraine or other document to certify the identity and citizenship;
  • a referral for the hospitalization;
  • a form of the initial registration document No. 027/o “The Extract from the medical record of the ambulatory (in-hospital) patient”.

The patient also should provide the Institute with medical document containing the result of medical examinations, if available.

At the account of the state budget, SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMSU” shall provide only the highly specialized surgical treatment within the limits of allotted funds. Ambulatory, consulting, diagnostic, and laboratory services shall be delivered on a fee basis according to tariffs as calculated and approved by the Provision of March 03, 2021 No. 181 «Some Matters of Implementation and Application of the New Mechanism for Financing the Tertiary (highly specialized) Medical Aid Provided at Individual Research and Development Institutions by the National Academy of Medical Sciences».

4. Electronic queue management system to get the highly specialized medical aid.


Today (03.05.2024), 2 802 patients are registered in the electronic queue for the tertiary medical aid at the account of the state budget.

Hip joint - 1 452, knee-joint - 1 258, shoulder arthroplasty - 84, elbow joint - 8


  For further details for registration in the electronic queue please ask your doctor at the SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics”.

Heads of structural subdivisions of the SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics NAMSU” enrolled into the pilot project

Deputy CEO on general matters Gayko Oksana Georgiivna +38(044) 486-29-93
Chief Physician Gerasymenko Sergiy Ivanovych +38(044)486-93-75
Deputy Chief Physician on Surgery Kostogryz Oleh Anatoliiovych +38(044) 288-01-27
Deputy Chief Physician on Medicine Derkach Roman Volodymyrovych +38(044) 484-12-93
Deputy CEO on Economics Matiushyna Lidiia Yevhenivna +38(044) 486-26-40

Structural subdivision Name, telephone Department head
1 Consultative and polyclinic department Martsyniak Stepan Mykhailovych +38(044) 486-18-65 Head of the polyclinic
2 Admission department Tymochuk Vikrot Vasylovych +38(044) 486-89-50 Department chief
3 Bone-infection Department Hrytsay Mykola Pavlovych +38(044) 486-32-56 Department chief
4 Trauma and Orthopedics of Adults Department Gayko Georgiy Vasylovych +38(044) 486-49-74 Department chief
5 Joint Diseases of Adults Department Gerasymenko Sergiy Ivanovych +38(044)486-93-75 Department chief
6 Trauma and Orthopedic of Children Department Guk Yurii Mykolayovych +38(044) 486-79-44 Department chief
7 Spine Surgery Department with Spinal (Neurosurgery) Center Stashkevych Anatolii Trokhymovych +38(044) 486-23-99 Department chief
8 Department for Joint Diseases in Children and Adolescents Kabatsyy Myroslav Stepanovych +38(044) 486-46-79 Department chief
9 Department for Foot Pathology and Complex Prosthetic Treatment Liabakh Andriy Petrovych +38(044) 486-24-87 Department chief
10 Sport and Ballet Trauma Department Kostrub Oleksandr Oleksiiovych +38(044) 486-60-65 Department chief
11 Department for Microsurgery and Reconstructive Surgery of Upper Limb Strafun Sergii Semenovych +38(044) 486-12-65 Department chief
12 Department for Trauma Injuries and Problems of Osteosynthesis Kalashnikov Andriy Valeriyovych +38(067) 963-27-85 Department chief
13 Rehabilitation Department Borzykh Natalya +38(044) 486-32-09 Department chief
14 Functional Diagnostics Department Gayko Oksana Georgiivna +38(044) 288-01-32 Department chief
15 Pathomorphology Department Grygorovskyi Valerii Volodymyrovych +38(044)486-61-34 Department chief
16 Anesthesiology and Reanimation Department with Intensive Care Rooms Shpychko L. Interim Department chief
17 Laboratory of Biochemistry and Clinical Analyses Magomedov Oleksandr Magomedovych +38(044) 486-08-57 Laboratory chief
18 Laboratory of Immunology Panchenko Lesia Mykhailivna +38(044) 486-86-65 Laboratory chief
19 Laboratory of Microbiology and Chemotherapy Liutko Olga Borysivna +38(044) 486-60-67 Laboratory chief
20 Laboratory of Neuro-orthopedics and Problems of Pain Yuryk Olga Iefremivna +38(044) 486-65-63 Laboratory chief
21 Laboratory of Biomechanics Lazarev Igor Albertovych +38(044) 486-28-53 Laboratory chief
22 Research-and-development Center of Tissue and Cellular Therapy Holiuk Ievhen Leontiyovych +38(044) 486-26-32 Chief of the Center
23 Blood Collection and Preservation Department Huba Oksana Dmytrivna +38(044)486-83-80 Department chief