Chief: Liabakh Andrii Petrovych

Department for Foot Pathology and Complex Prosthetic Treatment
27 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Street
Kyiv 01054 Ukraine
3rd floor of clinical building (right wing)
+38 (044) 486-26-89
+38 (044) 486-24-87

Working Hours:
09:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Consult Hours:
09:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Surgery Hours:
Monday, Wednesday

Liabakh Andrii Petrovych

Department for Foot Pathology and Complex Prosthetic Treatment of the SI “The Institute for Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMSU” performs the whole scope of surgical interventions in patients orthopedic diseases and deformations of feet, as well as with consequences of locomotion system injuries according to the newest methods, The clinic performs annually over 1000 operative interventions due to traumas, pseudoarthrosis, traumas of ligament and tendons, orthopedic diseases, deformities of a foot, as well as orthopedic treatment of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Priority directions of the clinic’s work are complex reconstructive operative treatment in cases of multiplanar foot deformations and orthopedic treatment of those suffering from diabetes mellitus. Experts of the clinic provide consultations for medical rehabilitation of patients with lower limb’s pathologies.

In premises of the clinic there is orthopedic-oncology subdivision that copes with problematic and surgical treatment of oncology diseases of locomotion system.

Types of surgical operations:

  • Reconstructive operative treatment of multiplanar (congenital and acquired) foot deformations;
  • Reconstructive surgical treatment of consequences of ankle joint injuries;
  • Surgical treatment of foot bones’ fractures and ankle joint;
  • Surgical treatment of trauma injuries of soft tissues of a foot and ankle joint;
  • The newest methods of surgical treatment of Hallux Valgus and hammer toes;
  • Surgical treatment of diabetic foot;
  • Surgical treatment of fractures and pseudoarthrosis by modern methods of osteosynthesis (intramedullary, plate, using external devices and bone plastics).

Doctors of this Clinic