Kostogryz Yurii Olegovych

- Doctor of 2nd category
- Conservative and surgical treatment of trauma injuries, osteoarthritis, system diseases of knee joint’s connective tissue (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis)
- Work experience – 7 years
Junior scientific researcher of the Clinic No.3 “The Department of Joint Diseases of Adults”
Department for Joint Diseases in Adults
Mr. Kostogryz studied at the 1st Medical faculty of O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University from 2005 to 2011. He used to be a leader of the group focused on traumatology and orthopedics. After graduation from the University he passed his internship training specialized in traumatology and orthopedics at the SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics by NAMS of Ukraine” from 2011 to 2013. From 2013 to 2014 (several months) he worked as an orthopedic traumatologist at rehabilitation department and in year 2014 won competition and has been elected to the position of a junior scientific researcher of the Department for Joint Diseases of Adults by the SI “ITO NAMSU”.
He is a valid member of the German joint arthroscopy society AGA, the European Society of Sport Trauma, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA), Ukrainian Association of Sport Trauma, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (UASTKA), “Kyiv unit of Pan-Ukrainian Association of Orthopedic Traumatologists”.
He is the author and co-author of over 20 printed works, 30 reports at conferences, has 1 patent; active participant of Pan-Ukrainian and international meetings, congresses and conferences in orthopedics and traumatology, rheumatology and arranged for young scientists.
Mr. Kostogryz is currently working over his MPhil dissertation “Diagnostics and Treatment of Pigment Villonodular Synovitis of Knee Joint”.
2010 – training in knee joint arthroscopy at WienerPrivatklinik, from prof.R.Shabus
2015 – specialized training course “Knee Joint Cartilage Defects Treatment using Collagen Implants ChondrofillerGel, ChondrofillerLiquid”.
2015 -«Revers Shoulder Replacement Instructing Course».
2016 - «Primary Knee Joint Arthroplasty using GENESISII System with Balance of Tendons”.
2016 – First level lectures and workshop of the Kinesiotaping School
2017 - «IVKyiv Shoulder Course: International Shoulder Surgery Course”.
2018– Thematic Advance Training “Knee and Shoulder Joint Arthroscopy”.