Kostogryz Oleh Anatoiiovych

- MD
- Honoured physician of Ukraine
- Arthroscopic treatment of knee traumas and diseases
Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Adults
Department for Traumatology and Orthopedics of Adults
Kostogryz Oleh Anatoiiovych, MD
Appoint a consultation: +38(066)808-36-44
In 1989, he graduated from O.O. Bohomolets Medical Institute of Kyiv.
In 2002, he represented his PhD research "The Treatment of Open Hand Injuries in Agricultural Workers”. He used to work at Kyiv Regional Orthopedic and Trauma Center from 2002 to 2009.
Since 2009, he works for the State Institution “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, NAMS of Ukraine” as deputy Chief Physician in surgical treatment and has the highest qualification category in traumatology and orthopaedics.
He is a member of the German-speaking association of arthroscopists (AGA),
"The Ukrainian Association of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy",
"The Russian Arthroscopic Association",
World (ISAKOS) and European (ESSKA) societies of arthroscopists and knee surgeons.
For over 10 years, he performs arthroscopies of the knee and other joints. During his work, he has carried out over 8000 operations of different extents of complexity, published 39 scientific papers, and has 3 patents for inventions. Total professional experience – 30 years
Since 2012, he has had a title of an Honorary Doctor of Ukraine..
Since February 2023, he is the chief of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of adults.
The main focus of professional activities - arthroscopic treatment of knee traumas and diseases:
- Arthroscopic suture of menisci (medial and lateral);
- Resection of medial and lateral menisci;
- Arthroscopic resection of cysts of menisci;
- Arthroscopic removal of free chondral bodies of a knee;
- Arthroscopic plastics of the anterior cruciate ligament;
- Arthroscopic plastics of the posterior cruciate ligament;
- Arthroscopic plastics of medial and lateral ligaments;
- Arthroscopic surgery of usual patella luxation;
- Arthroscopic meniscus resection;
- Arthroscopic resection of a mediapatellar fold;
- Diagnostic arthroscopy;
- Arthroscopic synovectomy of a knee;
- Arthroscopic plastics to menisci;
- Corrective osteotomy.