Vdovichenko Kostiantyn Vitaliiovych

- candidate of medical sciences
- doctor of highest category, specialized in traumatology and orthopedics
- total hip and knee arthroscopy, surgical and conservative treatment of fractures of lower and upper limbs, treatment of hygromas, ganglions, atheromas, exostosis of different localizations, surgical treatment of feet deformities (flat-foot, foot’s fingers deformities)
- Work experience: 15 years
Junior scientific researcher of the clinic №10, the Department of Trauma Injury and Problems of Osteosynthesis
Department for Trauma Injuries and Problems of Osteosynthesis
E-mail: vdkonstantin1980@gmail.com
Telephone: +38 (063) 310 30 50
Doctor, orthopedist-traumatologist of highest category, candidate of medical sciences, junior scientific researcher of the clinic №10, the Department for Trauma Injuries and Problems of Osteosynthesis of the SI “ITO NAMSU”
From 2005 till 2007 he passed clinical residency in orthopedics and traumatology in the SI “ITO NAMSU” and has the respective certificate.
From 2008 till 2010 he studied orthopedics and traumatology in post-graduate department of the SI “ITO NAMSU”. Official presentation of his dissertation research “Surgical Treatment of Diaphyseal Fractures of the Lower Limbs’ Bones (Selection of Treatment Tactics, Assessment of Efficiency)” took place on October 20, 2010.
From 2010 till 2014 he has been working in scientific and organizing department of the SI “ITO NAMSU” at the position of the junior scientific researcher.
Since 2014 he is employed by the clinic №10 of the SI “ITO NAMSU”, the Department for Trauma Injuries and Problems of Osteosynthesis as a junior scientific researcher. He is the author of 32 publications, 12 reports at conferences, 3 patents of Ukraine for useful model.
In 2006 and in 2010 he was been training in Austria (Salzburg).
Many times he attended courses of post-graduate training by P.L.Shupik Kyiv MAPGT, among them:
- in 2011: P.L.Shupik Kyiv MAPGT, “Pre-attestation Cycle in Orthopedics and Traumatology”;
- in 2012: P.L.Shupik Kyiv MAPGT, “Pre-attestation Cycle in Orthopedics and Traumatology”;
- in 2018: P.L.Shupik Kyiv MAPGT, “Pre-attestation Cycle in Orthopedics and Traumatology” from 02.01.2018 till 01.02.2018.
Main operations:
- Knee joint arthroscopy
- Osteosynthesis of the upper limb’s bones’ fractures;
- Osteosynthesis of the lower limb’s bones’ fractures;
- Removal of ganglion of different localizations;
- Removal of atheroma of different localizations;
- Removal of exostoses of different localizations;
- Anchor fixation of ligament ruptures;
- Correction of valgus deformation of a feet’s 1st finger;
- Correcting osteotomies of lower limbs.
Prosthetic treatment
- Total hip arthroplasty;
- Total knee arthroplasty;
- Total arthroplasty in case of medial fracture of femoral neck.
E-mail: vdkonstantin1980@gmail.com
Telephone: +38 (063) 310 30 50