Borzykh Natalia Alexandrovna

A laureate of the National Award of Ukraine in Science and Technologies


2000 – finished from M.Gorky National Medical University of Donetsk

2010 – represented her PhD dissertation "Surgical Treatment of Hand Chondromas”,

2019 – doctor's dissertation "Surgical Treatment of the Injured with Polystructural Gunshot Traumas of Upper Limbs and their Consequences."

2019 – a Laureate of the National Award of Ukraine in Science and Technologies for her work with combat trauma.

Focuses on medical and scientific interests:

Surgical, conservative treatment of diseases and traumas to upper limbs, gunshot traumas, preparation to surgical interventions, prevention and recovery treatment to disorders and consequences of locomotion system's injuries.

The author of over 70 scientific publications, five patents, three monographs, and methodical guidelines.