XVIІІ Congress of Orthopedic Surgeons of Ukraine
The 18th Congress of Orthopedists-Traumatologists of Ukraine took place on October 9-11, 2019 and had notable success. The registered participants amounted to 1,120 persons; 30 of them arrived from other countries. During the meeting, several foreign guests presented their lectures. The delegates from SICOT expressed greetings on behalf of the President of SICOT.
Published: 17.10.2019The Program of the Congress: https://ito.gov.ua/novini-ta-podii/xviii-zjizdortopediv-travmatologiv-ukrajini.html
Within all three days of the event, there were institutional courses, lectures, sessions, round tables. The doctors had many opportunities to communicate and to discuss topical issues.
Confined to the Congress, the elections of the President of the Association of Orthopedists-Traumatologists of Ukraine have been conducted.
E-posters - http://uaot.org.ua/18congress/eposters.html
book of abstracts - http://uaot.org.ua/assets/files/18-uaos-congress-book-of-abstracts-on-line.pdf