The Primate has sanctified the newly-opened department SI "ITO NAMSU"
On September 23, 2022, SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, NAMS of Ukraine” was honoured by the visit of Metropolitan Epifaniy
Published: 28.09.2022
SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, NAMS of Ukraine” was honoured by the visit of Metropolitan Epifaniy – the Metropolitan of Kyiv and the all of Ukraine, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Mykhailo Radutskyi - the Head of the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on matters of national health and medical insurance, and Viktor Liashko -the Minister of Health of Ukraine.
On September 23, 2022, SI “The Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, NAMS of Ukraine” was honoured by the visit of Metropolitan Epifaniy – the Metropolitan of Kyiv and the all of Ukraine, the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Mykhailo Radutskyi - the Head of the Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on matters of national health and medical insurance, and Viktor Liashko -the Minister of Health of Ukraine.
The Director of the Institute, Yurii Poliachenko, the honorary Director of the Institute Acad. Georgii Gayko, the President of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine Acad. Vitalii Tsymbaliuk, the Vice-president of the NAMS of Ukraine Acad. Ihor Lurin, local physicians and the prior of the local chapel in honour of the Holy Great-martyr and Healer Panteleimon located at the premises of the medical institution, happily welcomed the guests of honour.
Metropolitan Epifaniy has sanctified a newly-opened severe polystructural trauma department and visited the wounded defenders of the Homeland, who receive treatment at the Institute.
The department of severe polystructural trauma opened on August 01, 2022. As of September 15, they have already treated 140 patients, soldiers and civilians – the victims of the russian aggression in Ukraine.
This department carries our complex reconstructive-recovery operations to limbs, including sophisticated transplantations of tissue complexes, all kinds of osteosynthesis, arthroscopic invasions on joints of upper and lower limbs. The department has 35 hospital beds.
Later, a solemn meeting took place at a conference hall of the medical institution. His Beatitude gave a speech to those present and granted church awards to the Institute’s managers, physicians, and volunteers.
“The time is inexorable, and everyone must use the provided portion for goodness and service to others. Within this context, physicians do extraordinary work and become an instrument of God to help those who need it. This especially relates to the treatment of the new heroes, the warriors who defend the Homeland and the most precious things – our people’s life and freedom. The ordeal is severe but we must never lose our hearts or despair because our highest responsibility is to preserve our independence and deep historical roots for our heirs. Let’s remember that it is the truth that finally wins. Jesus Christ had come to this world and suffered but then revived. Our state is suffering now, but victory and peace shall definitely come. Thus, with the help of God, let’s do our best to make it close, everyone in their place and their field”, said the Primate.