Liabakh Andrii Petrovych
Liabakh Andrii Petrovych - Chief of the Department for Foot Pathologies and Complex Prosthetic Treatment
Liabakh Andrii Petrovych - Chief of the Department for Foot Pathologies and Complex Prosthetic Treatment
Doctor of medical sciences, professor
The author of over 1000 scientific works, including 2 monographs and 11 author’s certificates for inventions. Main scientific works are devoted to surgical treatment and rehabilitation of patients with trauma defects of limbs, ischemic contracture of a foot, prevention and decrease of amputations is patients with severe trophic disorders on the ground of obliterating angiopathy; he implemented a brand-new approach to design of correction osteotomies and resections of a foot, based on standard scheme of clinical X-ray examination and original methods of intra-operational marking, doctor of medical sciences, professor.